We spoke with the wonderful Jasmine Lowe (@2lowe_) about a wide range of topics. Jasmine is a rad Hyde local with the best front rock I've ever seen! Just wanted to take the opportunity to thank Jasmine for the great interview. Interview conducted on the 9th December 2020.
Interview: Robert Delaney

(Above) FS Rock, Photo by Harry Watson (@harrywilliamwatson)
Rob: Hey Jasmine, cheers for giving us a chance to talk to you! I saw you rippin in your contest run at Graystone Action Sports, could you tell us a little bit more about that?
Jasmine: Thank you! Yeah it was like a “rona friendly” contest, it was fun and I had a good time. It was definitely an experience; I’ve never done anything like that before. Skating contests hasn’t ever really appealed to me to be honest (still get nervous skating Hyde when its packed haha!) I’ve been trying to push myself out of my comfort zone and I’d never skated Graystone before and to have it to myself for an hour was blessed!
R: How long’ve you been skating for?
J: I’ve been skating three years now. It’s always been something that appealed to me, I wish I had picked it up earlier. When I was dead young I used to watch people skate at the works after we’d finished climbing at city block, I probably should’ve given it a go then!
R: You’re a Hyde local, the girls’ scene there is buzzin! Do you think attitudes around and towards girls skateboarding have changed recently? Has there been an influx of girls skating in and around Leeds?
J: Yeah Leeds has a proper strong girls’ scene, its blessed! Yeah, loads of lasses have picked it up and its inspiring. Yeah definitely, I mean I’ve never really viewed myself as separate just because I’m female, we’re all skaters at the end of the day! But yeah, definitely people are less surprised to see female skaters. I understand it’s not as common but genuinely everyone’s sound. I mean you get the occasional snide comment but its fuel for the fire.
R: Hyde has a great community feel, are there any up and coming skaters you’re hyped on seeing?
J: Hyde is full of people killing it! I think there’s too many to start name dropping, I think going skating with my mates gets me the most stoked.
R: Up North during the Winter months isn’t the greatest place for any skateboarder to be, and the lack of indoor skate parks open due to coronavirus is a real hindrance to all of us! You do some proper cool art (I guess that’s a good rainy day activity to have), care to tell us about your art and who inspires your “neckface-esque” sculptures and impressive drawings?
J: Yeah definitely, as much as I love skating I feel you’ve got to have a rainy-day hobby too. Yeah for sure, I love making art. I feel it’s another way to express yourself. Neckface is great; I love artists that create stuff that really reflects their personality. I love artists with a proper funky style, I love illustration.
R: I saw you’ve dabbled with animation too. I’ve heard from friends that animation is a tedious task but a rewarding process, what’s your take on animation?
J: I think it’s great. I’ve just started studying graphics at Leeds art uni so its definitely something I would like to get into more. Animation is very long and I’ve always hand drawn everything so for me its extra-long. I’m not very good at technology but I guess that’s what I’m paying for haha.
R: Just to round things off, is there anything new coming up? Any footage to look out for?
J: Nothing in the works no. I mean other than going out on missions with friends, no. Maybe though, I would like to film a bit more. I guess I’ve got some lines brewing in my head haha!
Great to see such a talented female skateboarder featured.
Well done my beautiful granddaughter you are a star as usual